Saturday, December 31, 2016

Field Company Cast Iron Skillet

Months and months ago, I started to see posts from those in my social media feeds talking about a Kickstarter campaign for a cast iron skillet.  I was intrigued.  The Field Company said they were redesigning the cast iron skillet to be lighter, smoother, better seasoned and more comfortable to use. 

Could it be true?  I decided to take the risk and backed the kickstarter.  I was so happy to have received two of these 8" skillets right before Christmas. Behold!  

Instant Pot Hard Boiled Eggs - It will be great, they said!

I've mentioned in a few blog posts that I've been slowing getting used to and liking my Instant Pot. Recently, I've seen quite a few social media posts about how great it is hard boiling (or actually steaming) eggs in an Instant Pot.  I've always used a egg cooker to soft or hard boil my eggs and while I don't like having another appliance to deal with, its always done a great job.  Could the Instant Pot finally make my egg cooker a charity donation?  Yesterday, I saw this method recommended at Jay's Baking Me Crazy as a good method to use on social media.  I want to say that this was recommended by The Kitchn's facebook feed but of course, now I can't find the post that recommended it, so don't hold me to that.  I had a few eggs to spare, so I headed to the kitchen.